Fell in love with the character of a video game, then married him, seeing such love, you will also say – how strange are the relationships here

Fell in love with the character of a video game, then married him, seeing such love, you will also say – how strange are the relationships here

Ishq, pyar, mohabbat is such a feeling that can happen to anyone at any time. Because it is said that love neither sees caste, nor beauty, nor does it accept the restrictions of age. It can also happen to the people sitting across the border. Many people fall in love just by listening to the voice or while chatting on social sites and make lifelong promises. But there are some people who fall madly in love with people who are not there. He is just a fictional character.

Despite being humans, people are marrying fictional characters of videogames after falling in love with them. Those who are called ‘fictosexuals’. In Japan, the number of people who fell in love with videogame characters and married them is increasing rapidly. Vice World News talked to all such people who have married cartoon characters.

The trend of marrying videogame characters!
A trend is growing rapidly in Japan where people are moving towards getting into such a relationship. Seeing and listening to which you will say that how strange are the relations here. In fact, many people here fell in love with videogame characters, and are taking the relationship forward by marrying them. Such people are called ‘fictosexuals’ who start feeling romantic towards a cartoon character.

Ms.YouTube/VICE Asia: Japanese man marries video game character Miku

Voice of World News talked to some such people, in which a person named Akihiko married a gaming character named ‘Miku’ in 2018. Miku is a pop singer in the world of fantasy, but Akihiko has promised to support her for the rest of her life. Akihiko has started supporting ficosexual people by writing a book. Fictosexuals are part of a small community in Japan known for informally marrying virtual gaming characters, Vice World News spoke to people whose videos are on YouTube.
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Fell in love with a virtual character and then married
Surely people must be surprised to hear these things. But even more surprising is that in 2017, a Japanese company had also started the registration of marriage between humans and fictional characters, in which Akihiko had registered his marriage with Miku. Apart from this, there are many people in Japan who have fallen in love with one or the other video character and are married to that person. A woman named Midhori is married to a virtual character ‘Morgan’. In which his mother and family were also involved. Midahori realized her love for ‘Morgan’ when he was seen romancing with the heroine in the virtual show, then she started getting jealous of him. Like Midahori and there is also a man named Nekonasu who is married to a virtual character named ‘Yakumo Reno’.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Japanese, Good news, Weird news

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